Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beautiful spring in Topeka

It seems lately that disaster is happening to people I care about all around me, and those people seem to be experiencing the same thing. Just when I don't think I can take anymore heartbreak, something awful happens to another person I love. I have had a heavy heart today with so many people I am thinking about. I decided that I would take my camera to Gage Park after work and try to capture some peace and beauty. I was not disappointed. The tulips and pansies were beautiful, and there was a light breeze on the pond. There were two Canadian geese gliding along on the water and frolicking about in the grass looking for food. It was good medicine to replenish my spirit. I took 128 photos. They all came out beautiful. Here are a handful of them.


RockMeGently said...

Aww, the pansies are lovely, Dawn. Sorry to hear loved ones are troubled, these times are certainly a roller coaster for many. Glad you found some peace and renewal. Stay well, Sheree.

Anonymous said...

Yay renewal!
Miss you an hope things are looking up since you posted this.
Those pics would be beautiful for flickr *hint hint nudge nudge*
Thanks for sharing the pretty :)